Chewbacca's last working day of the year 2005

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Today is Chewbacca's last "working day" in 2005.
The Tama zoo usually closes from Dec.29 to Jan.1, however, it closes from the 28th this year,
because it closes every Wednesday except festive days.

Chewbacca, I was happy to see you again and again this year.

Sleeping is one of my jobs

He was sleeping like this at least from 2:00 to 3:00.

I saw you sleep in this hut after a long interval, Chewbacca.
I wonder if you have been sleeping from noon?

Beyond the roof

He went to the fence beyond the roof as soon as he got up.
He stayed there for ten minutes or so.
I wonder if he was eating or looking for something?
He yawned three times while he was there.


On the first time

On the second time
He was just closing his mouth after yawning.

On the third time

Today's highlight

The hay is on his stage!

Chewbacca's breakfast wasn't put in his old hut, but was put on the stage
near the glass this day.
It was very good for the visitors to see him have a meal.
He had a good appetite.

H was eating hay for more than 20 minutes from 3:00p.m.

You know my breakfast is on my stage today.








Brushing his teeth?



Peeking into his room & Playing with the log



Chewbacca's hunt for treasure?

I'm sniffing. I wonder if something good is burried.....

Chewbacca seemed to have had wider hair loss.....
He must have been butting the stump with his head again.
Maybe here.....
It seems that something good is in the secret place....
I'll go down and have a look..
I wonder if I can find it under the stone bridge?

Chewbacca peered down here twice today.
He seemed to be tempted by something.
I followed my nose.....
Have you been watching me hunt for treasure?
Please guess what I've found?

To tell the truth, I didn't find anything.
I wished I could have found sweet potatoes!

From 3:40 p.m.

"The lighting changed since it was fair, and occasionally cloudy.




Took a nap for about ten minutes

After getting up, he ate a little hay .
4:00 p.m.





Would you make such good poses before the sun sets next time, Chewbacca?
after 4.20 p.m.



See you next year!

Thanks for coming to "Womland" to see me and the other wombats this year.

Chewbacca was at work at 4:50 p.m. though he appealed to
the keeper to let him go home.

It got that dark and the light was on inside of the room......

* Something to worry about Chewbacca

Chewbacca seemed to have some trouble moving,
He walked at a slower pace than usual; more likely he seemed sluggish .
Also, it seemed a little hard for him to climb onto the stage.
The people who saw a wombat for the first time may not haave noticed that, though....

I'm worried that it was owing to his advanced years.
Perhaps he temporarily injured his feet, and I sincerely hope that he will become well again.


Chewbacca's Room l Another Room of Chewbacca l The third Room of Chewbacca l The fourth Room of Chewbacca l The fifth Room of Chewbacca l