Hiroki's Birthday 2004

I found that October was Hiroki's birthday when I visited him last month.
I visited Hiroki one day in October and I wished Hiroki a happy birthday .

9:40 a.m.
Hiroki walked up and down the ramp for about an hour.
It was very fun to see that he walked down and then turned around
and charged up the ramp twice.

Maybe this is his daily exercise as I saw him do the same thing at the same time last month.
(In September, I saw him run ten more times.)

After he finished his exercise, he went to the corner and started to lay on his back.
He seemed to scratch his back on the concrete floor.
He did this for more than five minutes and then went to sleep.

Hiroki, who ran leisurely, will be nineteen years old in October.

Happy birthday, Hiroki!


Hiroki, I presented you with only 19 sweet potatoes because I knew that you didn't like carrots.

Birthday commemorative photos

Casting his eyes up



He looks like he's smiling





Walking Hiroki

"Please watch my feet and you'll see how we wombats walk.!" 














Hiroki is good at being on his back







He is about to roll over.

After rolling over, he lay on his stomach and went to sleep.

Good night!

It's midnight for me now. -Hiroki-

Thank you for coming to say, "Happy birthday!"


Hiroki's Room