Crump in October, 2010


When Crump came out of his room, he gave a bow?!@
How polite you are!

Hello, there!

Chewbacca, are you there?

Which way to go?

Crump was thinking by the fence.

He wondered if he would cross the stone bridge.

He took a step and stopped for a short time.

He crossed the bridge.

I wonder if I could go down from here?

He didn't go down, but he suddenly groomed.
Your long eyebrows are fantastic, aren't they?

After he dug the ground a bit.......

Can you see my droppings?

I felt refreshed after droppings, I'll re-locate to sleep.

I feel comfortable at the glass wall.
I decided to take a nap here today.

Oct. 26@

Crump was sitting under the roof for a while.

Your ears are characteristic!

Oh, I felt itchy.

Crump's face was covered with soil!
Even gentle Crump sometimes digs the ground energetically.
You are so cool, Crump.

I wonder if this was "the handle" that Chewbacca mentioned?

I'll give it a try.


I'll tell Chewbacca what the handle was like.

How is my back shot?
Your backside is cute, too, Crump.


The Room of Crump's memories
Crump in November
Crump in December