Hiroki's Birthday 2007

Hiroki turns 22!

Hiroki was born in October in 1985.
I visited Hiroki on October 7th and wished him a happy birthday.
22 is an extremely old age for wombats.

He limped along a bit and walked more slowly than before.
However, he had a good appetite.

According to the keeper, he was troubled with arthritis.

Wish Hiroki a happy 22nd!

Hiroki's walking schedule changed

He used to walk up and down the ramp in the morning and
take a nap at noon, but he was sleeping when I arrived at 9:45.

He slept more than two hours till noon though
he changed his position a couple of times.


Fortunately he woke up when the keeper brought the bamboo grass and put it near him.
He soon got up and began to eat the bamboo grass.
He sometimes ate and sometimes walked for about two hours.
Active Hiroki!

According to the keeper, the bamboo grass is not a meal but a snack.

Tea time!
around noon

The keeper approached Hiroki.

Hiroki woke up.

Groomed and

went towards the bamboo grass, and

began to eat.

He got serious about eating it, looking at the visitors, sometimes.









He moved and ate another piece of bamboo grass.
around 12:15


Rubbed his back.

Ate the bamboo.


Walking and salution?

Went back to the first bamboo and ate a bit.


Exercise after eating
around 12:50-

I was relieved to see his afternoon exercise,
because I was worried that he didn't do usual morning exercise
because of his arthritic pain.

He walked up and down the ramp for 30 minutes or so.







Side trip ? He seemed to become curious about something.


I wonder if he'll eat ivy?

He went back to the bamboo at 13:30.

You'll see he had eaten most of the bamboo grass. 



He'd like to eat more!?

He moved to the place where there was more bamboo grass.

You know plenty of bamboo grass remains here.


Tastes good !


It's about time to take a nap, isn't it?


Good night
around 14:00

He isn't sleeping in the wire tunnel.

He fell asleep at the blind spot.
You can see nothing but the part of him in spite of varying an angle.
<--This is the wire tunnel.


Hiroki's Room