Chewbacca in July

One day at the end of July, I took a rest under the roof for a long time.
When I got up at around 16:00, I bit the sack and dug the ground, holding the log.

I slept a lot in the early afternoon.

I changed my position a couple of times.

I sometimes moved my feet.

Around 15:00

I woner if I must be getting up now?

I got up and thought.

I still felt sleepy.

Though I opened my eyes,

I soon closed them.

Soon afterwards I tried to get up again......

Ah, I'm so sleepy!

I stretched.

The log looks like a pillow,doesn't it?

I decided to get up.

I took a little walk .

I'm so sleepy that I don't know what to do.

Good night!

I suddenly groomed.

Though I felt awake.......

I got sleepy again.

I was awakened by the keeper's footsteps.

She's leaving.

I ran after her.

Keeper, wait!

I hurried down my trail.

I got the keeper out of my mind, and I ate a fallen leaf.

I headed to

under the roof.

I found myself lying down under the roof.

Am I sleeping or not?

I started to work (or play).

Log, how are you?

Log, are you enjoying?

I was so tired.
I must not move too much when it's so hot.

After I took a little rest, I bit the sack and dug the ground, remaining lying down.
Only for a minute or so, though.

I bit the sack holding the log.

Taking a rest

Started again.

You know I'm digging.

I'm getting sleepy......

A little later, I sensed the keeper's footsteps.
It's not about time to sleep.

I hurried to my room by way of the Chewbaccawalk.

I wonder what today's dinner is?

Keeper, hurry up and open the door, please!

See you!


Chewbacca's Room
l Another Room of Chewbacca l The third Room of Chewbacca l The fourth Room of Chewbacca l The fifth Room of Chewbacca l The sixth Room of Chewbacca l The seventh Room of Chewbaccal The eighth Room of Chewbaccal The ninth Room of Chewbaccal lThe tenth Room of Chewbacca l The eleventh Room of Chewbaccal The twelfth Room of Chewbacca l The thirteenth Room of Chewbacca