Chewbacca in May

The sunshade in my pen has already been set up this year.
I wonder if the summer has already come?

I stayed awake for a long time in recent days.

In my favorite hay bed
around 14:00

30 minutes later, I opened my eyes lightly.

After 20 minutes of the above
I'm wondering if I 'll get up......

Let's not get up.....

I decided to get up.


Hi, Log, did you stay awake?

You know, I'm extremely sleepy recently.

I feel more and more awake while I'm playing with you.

How nice this arch is!

Log, let's take a little rest.

My back is itchy.

Log, see you later.

I came close to the glass wall.
Hi, there!

around 15:00-15:40
The hay bed is calling me?!

I woke up since I felt itchy.

After I groomed, I stepped on the stage.

The sleepy- eyed model Chewbacca

The yawning model

I'm getting sleepy.

I'll get up by now.......

I played with the log a bit.
around 16:05

I turned around on the stage, and I ate the grass beside the stage.
I wonder what its name is?

The grass on the bank is fresh and good.

I had enough.

I checked on my room and left.

I felt like crossing the river.

Where to go next?

Hello, again, Log.

Log, will you scratch my back?

I have to leave now, Log.

I just said hello to the linen sack.

I stepped on the stage.

I yawned again.

I'm so sleepy.

Five minutes later, I woke up.

I stepped down from the stage and headed to my trail.

I wonder if my dinner was already prepared?

The door won't open.

I groomed.

I stepped back and waited to open the door.

Excuse me, it's already four thirty......

No answer.......

I decided to walk around.

Hi, Wallaroos,
Don't you think the door is opening late today?


Chewbacca's Room l Another Room of Chewbacca l The third Room of Chewbacca l The fourth Room of Chewbacca l The fifth Room of Chewbacca l The sixth Room of Chewbacca l The seventh Room of Chewbaccal The eighth Room of Chewbaccal The ninth Room of Chewbaccal lThe tenth Room of Chewbacca l The eleventh Room of Chewbacca l The twelfth Room of Chewbacca