The day when I came to the Tama Zoo

September 4th, 2010

Today, September 4th, is the anniversary of my coming to Japan.
As you know, I came to the Tama zoo with Crump and two female friends about 24 years ago.

Thank you for visiting us on our anniversary!

It's still hot, isn't it?
I was againt the glass wall and I covered me with soil so as to beat the heat

I was walking for a while though it was so hot.

On the way......

My fresh droppings!


Since the keepr came to clean the wallaroos' pen, I got busy.
I shouldn't be saying that it's so hot.

Do I look like a tiger?



The sand storms!?

Got out of them, Chewbacca!

Almost got away from the sand storms.


Soon afterwards, I caused the sand storms by myself.
It has been dry here in my pen recently.



The orange ball

I stopped at the ball and thought a bit.


I attacked the ball.
I was bright-eyed and bushy tailed!

I yawned while I was attacking.

Though I entered the river, I came out of it at once.


I felt that the keeper called me.


I ran as fast as I could.

I got to the front of the room before the door opened.
I've won!

I went home at 13:20.

Crump's turn

Too bright!

I wonder if I'll stop at Chewbacca?

Chewbacca, are you there?

He didn't answer, and so I left.

Oh, sorry......

Walked and walked.


Oh, I felt itchy.

Drats, droppings again!

Crump was about to sleep.
He looks like he likes this corner.
He had been sleeping for three hours, changing his position a few times.



Our time
Chewbacca, are you awake?

Yes. Are you going home now, Crump?

Yes, I think so......

I wish I would go outside now!

We wondered the barrs could be broken if we bit together?

Come on! You turned your backside on me.

Sorry! I suddenly yawned.

Oh, again!

I caught your yawn, Crump.

After Crump went home, the keeper began to clean.
I thought that the door of my room opened, but didn't.


Chewbacca's Room l Another Room of Chewbacca l The third Room of Chewbacca l The fourth Room of Chewbacca l The fifth Room of Chewbacca l The sixth Room of Chewbacca l The seventh Room of Chewbaccal The eighth Room of Chewbaccal The ninth Room of Chewbacca