Chewbacca on June 15th

I was sleeping under the roof in the morning.
I usually sleep properly, but I lay on my back for a while today.

I switched with Crump at 13:10 since we started to work rotating schedule recently,
that is, halftime job!

Under the roof

I was sleeping for two hours, changing my position, sometimes.




I went and checked on my room about noon.

Since the door didn't open,

I took a rest under the roof again.



Dancing Chewbacca while sleeping?!

around 12:40-
I was making a funny movement like dancing for about 20 minutes.
I sometimes stopped dancing on the way, and remained in a fixed posture for a while
as if the clock stopped ticking.
Someone asked me if I didn't get tired from keeping the same posture.

I took a nap lying on my side for a short time
Soon aferwards I sensed the keeper was coming.

It's time to go home.

Crump appeared

He came out of the room slowly.



Groomed in front of the hut.
You're a good at grooming, aren't you?





Crump wondered which way to go on the stone bridge

He headed to the roof first.

As soon as he groomed a bit,

he came out of the roof

What are you looking for, Crump?


Did you find something good, Crump?


He fell asleep at the glass wall.

Crump, see you!


Chewbacca's Room l Another Room of Chewbacca l The third Room of Chewbacca l The fourth Room of Chewbacca l The fifth Room of Chewbacca l The sixth Room of Chewbacca l The seventh Room of Chewbaccal The eighth Room of Chewbaccal The ninth Room of Chewbacca