Chewbacca on March 23rd

Though I'm still recuperating, I'll return soon.
I was outside for an hour when the keeper was cleaning my room.

I was a curious wombat as usual, and so I didn't keep still.
I enjoyed peeking through the iron gate on the opposite side of my own room.
I didn't care if my whitish chest hair is stained brown with iodine.
Crump lookes like he liked my pen.
Please watch him for me since he is my good friend.

I came out of the room looking around.

Since the keeper was behind the gate, I was restless.


My keeper, do you want to see my own version of "Open Sesame"?

The keeper was waiting for me to spray iodine on my affected area.
I escaped!

I wonder if Crump was looking at me?


I finally decided to cooperate with him.
It's difficult for you to spray me since I don't keep still.


Crump, the treatment is finished.
Did that hurt?


We checked on our rooms at the same time.

And soon afterwards, Crump slept in front of the hut, but I kept moving.

Great interest!

I was pacing the small space, which was different from usual, with interest.
I was so curious about the view from the other side.




I wonder if this gate wouldn't open?
I thought I could open it before long.

I was watching my pen through the fence.




The iron gate

I was so curious about the other side of the gate.
Can you see my chest hair stained brown with iodine?





Soon after I took a rest,

The keeper appeared.
I went back home 11:34.

Crump, your turn. Thank you!


He was taking a nap by the fence.

You look comfortable to take a nap here, Crump.
I haven't seen Chewbacca take a rest here.



Woke up

After he met Chewbacca through the gate, he took a nap in front of the hut.
Chewbacca seldom sleeps here.
Every wombat has his taste, doesn't he?









(After Chewbacca went home)

Opening and closing his eyes







Changed his position

Fell asleep



It is midnight for you, Crump, isn't it?
Thank you for showing your cute sleeping forms today!


Chewbacca's Room l Another Room of Chewbacca l The third Room of Chewbacca l The fourth Room of Chewbacca l The fifth Room of Chewbacca l The sixth Room of Chewbacca l The seventh Room of Chewbaccal The eighth Room of Chewbaccal The ninth Room of Chewbacca